Organized, well-structured youth sports and on-going physical activities can provide many benefits for children and adolescents. Little league sports create a good balance of the health triangle which comprises three areas: mental, physical, and social health. These three areas are essential to living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mental health is your emotional well-being, your inner thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and emotions. It is affected by many things including how you talk to yourself. Negative or adverse mental health impacts both your physical and social health as well. This can cause bodily symptoms like fatigue, weight loss or gain, digestion problems, as well as antisocial behaviors as you become more withdrawn from your social circles. We as humans unfortunately are wired to focus on the negative in situations. This is traced back to prehistoric days when man had to be able to register threats to avoid danger. Ones who were more attuned to danger (negative stimuli) stayed alive longer and thus passed on their negative genes.
Many believe that sports are 90 percent mental and only 10 percent physical.
Sport psychologists, coaches and professional athletes all agree that the athlete’s own mind can be a powerful opponent. An unexpected drop in concentration by the athlete in a competition could change the trajectory of the entire game.
It’s a huge reason why here at Code Red we focus on providing individuals with the tools required to be able to handle life’s difficulties and overcome feelings of stress and anxiety. We serve both kids and adults. We train to combat those feelings and to improve your mental health. Being adults, we know no matter how perfect we are, things happen that are out of your control. Through our training and leagues we teach you the ability to manage your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. We focus on controlling the controllable. We're aware that you can't control certain things such as the weather, the fans, or the referees but you can control emotions. We want our athletes to know and recognize their emotions, encourage mindfulness and self-awareness so that they can have great outcomes not just in the game but in life.
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